Latest News
The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness has granted us the certificate to Innovative SME until 12/31/2018.
In a few weeks the new 5000 m² production unit will be completed which will allow increased productivity in printing and manufacturing.
All our central drum printers already have the new GPS (Graphic Positioning System) system developed by Fischer & Krecke which allows the adjustment of all colors without using the marks or registration points which irritate customers.
Our company, PICDA, together with AINIA, is successfully developing a project to improve the biodegradation of polyethylene used in the manufacture of plastic bags, through the combined use of pro-oxidant additives and the selection of microorganisms with specific capacity for the degradation of polyethylene. The implementation of this project will allow the development of films […]
During the X National Contest of Flexography 2010, organized by the Spanish Technical Flexography Association, our company won the first prize in the category of packaging products larger than 110cm for its high quality four-color process printing. This award, recognized at the national level, rewards the effort and consistency we carry out day by day […]