PICDA contributed with free bags for the “I MARCHA SOLIDARIA” organized by the AECC JUNTS CONTRA EL CANCER CASTELLÓ DE RUGAT last Sunday, September 24th.All the money collected was sent to AECC ESPAÑOLA for research or psychological assistance to people with this disease.The successful participation was 485 people.
The football team of the Falla Repúbica Argentina, sponsored by PICDA, won the championship of the 2017-2018 season.
The Argentum Padel Xàtiva Club, sponsored by PICDA, achieves its fourth consecutive title in the 1st absolute category male, while the second team rises with the title of 2nd category and gets the promotion 3 years after its promotion to the silver category of the highest competition for Valencian Community equipment.
Congratulations to the Female Junior Basketball Team “Club C.P. Martinez Valls Basquet” for the achievements of this season. – Runners-up in the “Valencian League”. – Runners-up in “Preferred IR”. – Promotion to “Autonomic category”.
The 3×3 basketball team sponsored by Picda, has won the regular winter league 2024/2025. CONGRATULATIONS CHAMPIONS!